
Remote Reiki Level I & II Certification One-on-one with Instructor

Join Reiki Dome online training and enjoy personal interaction from your private residence!

Online Reiki Level I Training – Shoden

Reiki Level I is an introduction to the principles of the traditional Usui Reiki. The skills learned are designed to promote balance and wellness for yourself and others on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. You learn what Reiki is, how Reiki heals, the history of Reiki, and receive Reiki attunements. The experiential format of the Reiki class provides you with opportunities for learning how to practice Reiki on yourself, animals, and in nature. Techniques taught help you develop your hand-sensing abilities to locate areas in the body that need Reiki, increase your own energy level, and cleanse yourself of unwanted energy, thoughts, and emotions. Once attuned, you will have this ability for a lifetime to help yourself to relieve stress and pain, increase mental clarity, maintain healthy immune system functioning, and heal from illness

You receive recorded Reiki Level I workshop, 1.5 Hr one-on-one time with a Reiki teacher, Reiki Level I manual, and Reiki Level I Certificate.  

I promise you will enjoy online Reiki Level I training. If you use this method according to instructions you will be able to heal yourself and others. Guaranteed. If you are not satisfied I will gladly refund your class registration fee.

One-on-one time with Reiki Teacher. You learn 2 Reiki symbols in online Reiki Level I training while most other schools teach those symbols in Reiki Level II. You study and practice hands-on and hands-off treatment methods. We build a strong foundation for energy work. You learn advanced grounding technique that leads to the awakening of Kundalini. 

It is best to have your energy field as clear as possible prior to Reiki I training. Yes, balancing your crown Chakra in a distance healing Reiki session raises your vibrations and improves the attunement process. Many Reiki teachers require at least one Reiki session before taking Reiki Level I.

I recommend to eliminate (or reduce) intake of meat, fish, fowl, and alcohol from your diet for three days prior to the Reiki I Class. In the morning eat a light healthy breakfast. Drink plenty of water. Avoid outside stimulation such as TV, radio, and newspapers. Find periods of solitude to spend time in nature, and meditate. Also, it helps to receive a Reiki healing session a few days prior to the class to raise your vibrations by cleansing your aura.

You should be able to find a partner to practice energy work on Reiki Exchange. This is a free website were you can connect with people who practice Reiki. CLICK HERE to register.  Also, you can connect with Reiki students on Facebook. 

Online Reiki Level II Training – Okuden

Reiki Level II training enhances your knowledge and the use of Reiki. You receive an attunement that raises your energetic vibration to a higher level to become an increasingly clear channel for universal life energy to flow through you. The class introduces a Reiki symbol that allows you to strengthen your healing ability and apply Reiki in new ways. You develop perception abilities for sensing and working with Byosen, the energy frequency emitted by imbalances in tense, injured or ill areas of the body. In addition, you learn how to offer Reiki to others in-person and at a distance for the healing of their physical bodies and/or for manifesting highest good outcomes for challenging situations in their lives. For yourself, distance Reiki allows you to work on your own situations in present time or go back in time to heal traumatic situations from your past. Distance Reiki also becomes a wonderful energetic tool for the future, allowing you to co-create with the Universe to manifest what you want for your life.
You receive recorded Reiki Level II workshop, up to 2 Hr one-on-one time with a Reiki teacher, Reiki Level II manual, and your Reiki Level II Certificate.

My students enjoy real time experience practicing distance healing and receiving healing energy. Additionally, I teach 2 other easy distance healing methods, and advanced energetic technique to protect from psychic attacks and things that you can pick up practicing Reiki. Also, one-on-one training ensures that students get all the benefits of this training.

Find time to practice Reiki on yourself, other people, and nature for 5 days prior to the Reiki Level II Training. I recommend to eliminate (or reduce) intake of meat, fish, fowl, and alcohol from your diet for three days prior to the class. In the morning eat a light healthy breakfast. Drink plenty of water. Avoid outside stimulation such as TV, radio, and newspapers. Find periods of solitude to spend time in nature, and meditate. 

Yes, after this training you can practice Reiki in an office or home, and to heal people from a distance.

Yes, I offer a discount (distance healing sessions – $25 OFF) to online Reiki Level II students who received Reiki training at Reiki Dome.

Yes. There is no requirement to take Reiki I training at Reiki Dome. If you completed Reiki Level I Training in another location then you should email a copy of your Certificate to Please read the section “What is unique in our Reiki Level I Training” above to learn about the benefits of taking online Reiki Level I Training at Reiki Dome.

You should be able to find a partner to practice energy work on Reiki Exchange. This is a free website were you can connect with other students who practice Reiki. CLICK HERE to register. Also, there are Reiki groups on Facebook. 

Instructor: Alex Akselrod | Reiki Master Teacher


          Online via Google Meets or Zoom (one-on-one) Reiki Level I Training – $350

          Online via Google Meets or Zoom (one-on-one) Reiki Level II Training – $425

          Online via Google Meets or Zoom (one-on-one) Reiki Master Training – $479

          Online via Google Meets or Zoom (one-on-one) Reiki Level I & II Training – $659

Pay via PayPal; you can pay with your credit card if you don’t have a PayPal account.

Click HERE to fill out a registration form.

Questions: Call or text 425-417-2066 or e-mail