If you are interested in studying Reiki or getting a Reiki treatment, it is important to find a specialist who is not only comfortable to deal with but would make a difference in your life.
So, where do you look for such a specialist?
Those are get-togethers, known as Reiki Circles, in which Reiki practitioners offer their treatments to the general public free or just for a small donation. A good way to start is to look for a Reiki Circle in your area. That is the best way to meet and talk with Reiki practitioners in person and experience their energy.
When and where do Reiki Circles occur?
Reiki Circles can be organized in various public places, often in Reiki Centers, reserved specifically for them. Usually, they meet on weekly or monthly bases.
Are Reiki Circles for everyone?
There are times when Reiki Circles are only for Reiki masters and their students, but usually they are open for everyone.
How much do the Reiki services cost?
Generally, prices vary form $70 to $250. Many Reiki Masters make their living by providing Reiki Classes and Reiki Treatments. Reiki Teachers with strong energy field might charge more than a Reiki II or Reiki Master certified practitioner.
So, which Reiki practitioners are the best?
I recommend contacting a Reiki practitioner who is a Master or Teacher. Also, it is important to find out how long they practiced Reiki therapy. Many Reiki practitioners have prior experience in Qigong or Martial Arts, which serves as another tool for a quicker recovery from many illnesses. Such practitioners have stronger energy field, and therefore more effective in healing.
Check reviews on practitioner’s website, yelp, facebook, google, and other social networks. Try to find and talk with people who had treatment with a practitioner before calling and signing up for a Reiki session. However, the easy way to find out which practitioner is the best for you is to trust your intuition and choose the practitioner you like the best.
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