Key Trends in the Energy Healing Market

The key trends in the energy healing market are as follows: Recognition by Medical Professionals: Medical professionals and wellness practitioners are recognizing the potential of energy medicine as a new force in health and healing. This signifies a shift towards incorporating energy-based interventions in medical practices. [2] Integration of Ancient Medicines: Traditional healing systems like […]
Unlock the Power of Healing: Reiki Training Certification in Bellevue, WA
As a Reiki Master, I have seen firsthand the incredible power of this ancient healing practice. Reiki has been used for centuries to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, and has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of conditions. If you are interested in learning more about Reiki, or in becoming […]
How Does Reiki Healing Therapy Work?

Reiki therapy is an effective way of guiding energy throughout the body to promote self-healing. It is significantly adopted as a complimentary healing technique to promote faster healing and better management of symptoms of various illnesses. The International Center for Reiki defines it as a combination of two words, ‘Rei’, meaning God’s wisdom, and ‘ki’ […]
Remote Reiki Classes can Benefit You

Remote Reiki Classes can Benefit You. Reiki is a form of very effective and safe complementary energy healing therapy that help you in the management of various illnesses. The only proof of its effectiveness is the people who experienced positive life changes by being a part of reiki healing sessions. The practitioners state that reiki […]
Learn How to Achieve Permanent Happiness

“There are two ways to become happy, but only one of them leads to permanent happiness and success, without draining your energy. The first path is taken by those who see themselves only as material bodies. When I only see myself as a body, I crave possessions. The more physical possessions I acquire, the happier […]
Is Hydrogen Peroxide Effective in Fight Against Cancer?

The immune system can stop cancer through oxidation. If cells receive energy through oxidation then metabolism improves and immune system strengthens. Also, it increases production of interferon that combat infections and cancer. Research shows that hydrogen peroxide kills viruses, bacteria, fungi, and cancer cells. As far back as the early 19th Century, doctors and many […]
Boost Your Immune System through Chakras

Chakras are literally wheels of energy which are related to the nerve centers in the body. When they are balanced and open, they can help boost your immune system tremendously. As you are aware, with a strong immune system, the body is able to effectively fight off diseases and keep itself and its internal organs […]
Information Age – Stress

Stress in Information Age | Alternative Medicine in Bellevue Washington Today the priority of human kind is Health. People don’t have anything more precious than physical and spiritual well-being, and financial stability. We are born in information age and human’s health is under a lot of pressure from factors such as ecology (pollution of environment, […]
Laws of the Universe: Law of Cause and Effect

Your current life situations are results of choices that you made in the past. If you decide to change your life situations then you have to change your choices today, and your life will never be the same. Nothing in our Universe happens by a chance. Everything in the Universe happens for a reason! Everything […]
Benefits of Reiki and Qigong Energy

Benefits of Reiki and Qigong Energy for Well-being Research over the years has led to the discovery that the Universe is made of pure energy. Most of the things we see smell, touch, hear and taste appear, to the naked eye, as either gaseous, liquid or solid. However, quantum physics has proven that if you […]
Reiki Groundbreaking Scientific Study

“After decades of often disputed validity, the effectiveness of Reiki, a holistic energy treatment is gaining new respect within the medical community. Not only are highly reputable medical facilities throughout the U.S. offering patients alternative healing programs such as Reiki, those facilities are analyzing the benefits of their programs and are submitting them for review […]
How Effective is the Bates Method?

The Bates method is an alternative therapy. It’s aimed at curing and correcting defective eyesight and eye diseases through a series of specific exercises. William Horatio Bates, MD (1860-1931) created this method of treatment after years of study and research. Bates observed that refractive errors such as myopia, presbyopia, and astigmatism were caused by habitual […]
7 Easy Ways to Enliven Your Drinking Water

“Alkaline water full of life-giving micro and macro minerals not only makes water taste better, but is also vital to your health and well-being according to the World Health Organization (WHO) in its book, Nutrients in Drinking Water…” CLICK HERE to read the full article. Please call 425-417-2066 to find out how our specialists […]
3 Simple Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus

“It is most often caused by moisture trapped in a warm dark place (because of shoes, this is why it more commonly effects toenails) which is the environment fungus thrives in. In some cases it can be caused by mold, or yeast. Baking soda is not fungicidal – that is, it does not kill the […]
Restore the Natural Way to Heat Your Body!

Most of us feel discomfort when it gets cold outside. You may be surprised to discover that you possess a heating mechanism that can warm your body freely and easily. Unfortunately, most people have lost this ability because we invented fire and clothing and have been using them for thousands of years. In order to […]
How to Make Natural Toothpaste

“I’m not a dentist or a doctor, just a mom who has tried a TON of different toothpaste options and read a TON of books and medical literature. I first started making my own toothpaste after getting frustrated that I couldn’t find a store bought brand that didn’t have questionable ingredients…” CLICK HERE to read […]
Protect Eyes from Digital Devices and Blue Light

The advent of technology has significantly increased the amount of time we spend in front of screens. What does this mean for eye health? Constant technology use often leads to ocular discomfort, minor eye ailments and eventually long term sight defects. Most digital devices we use today emit blue light that negatively impacts eyesight and […]
How to Perform a Gallbladder Flush

“To ensure a free flow of bile, both into and out of the gallbladder, you should clean this organ out with a gallbladder flush. It’s simple to perform…” CLICK HERE to read the full article. Alex / Reiki Tags: Bellevue WA, DNA Healing, Reiki Dome, Reiki Therapy.
Medical Causes of Cold Hands and Feet

“Cold hands and feet can be as simple as being where it is cold. The body”s natural temperature can also cause cold hands and feet or cold hands and feet can be a result of real medical issues. Problems with blood circulation, small blood vessels in your hands or any number of other medical mysteries […]
Color Therapy with Candles

Color Therapy with Candles: “Candles have been lighting the way for thousands of years, being used by nearly all religions, cultures and individuals. They are symbols of celebration, mourning, calming, spirituality and the soul. Their power, combined with your own thoughts and desires can have a profound influence in your life and assist you in […]